Get The Professional Training You Need At Sacramento Beauty School

By Ma Lillibeth Coper Incipido

If someone wants to pursue a career in cosmetology it is important to select a school that is approved and accredited. The National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences has specific standards that must be met. These apply to all schools on a national level including the beauty school Sacramento educational institutions.

The standards for accreditation are curriculum, quality of the education provided and the admission policy that is in place when the student applies. Accreditation is provided on an independent and autonomous basis. This commission is recognizable as an agency that accredits post-secondary schools of higher education.

A prospective student can apply to numerous programs. Men and women go to these beauty colleges. They apply for and work for the same beauty parlors after graduation and licensure.

It takes a specific number of hours to be certified in any of the available programs. Each state has its own separate set of requirements. This is based on each state's interpretation of a full program of education. Students who attend full time take fewer months to finish than those who go part time. Both must reach the same goals before they can graduate.

As expected, a full curriculum at cosmetology college will take the longest number of class hours to complete. It can vary from 1500 to 2100 hours on a national average. Those programs that require fewer hours are not all-comprehensive as the full curriculum is.

For example, nail technology takes 300 to 600 hours. The same length of time is required for make-up artists. Electrology and esthetics, skin care, takes 300 to 1500 hours of training.

Each individual state has its own licensing board. That board sets the number of training hours that a student must complete. It varies widely from one state to another. California set the number at 1600 hours. It includes 3200 hours as an apprentice and 220 in training.

After completion the student is eligible to take a licensing exam. There is an ongoing requirement. A licensed beautician must renew the license every two years in California.

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